Dear Reader,
June is Pride Month in New York, and I’m preparing my first novel for publication. Color me very happy! I am also launching this blog, which I’m calling Dear Reader because I’ve always found that quaint Victorian form of address charming. But also, Dear Reader is entirely accurate, considering that I will be writing for readers of books—a most charming class of people.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I am delighted you have discovered us here at Audacity Books. Setting up a new press has been very exciting. So full of possibility! I look forward to your thoughts and suggestions, so please do comment, and I will be sure to reply.
The first title from Audacity Books, You’re Sure to Fall in Love, will be available soon in paperback for advance readers and for customers at the Provincetown Bookshop (http://homeportpress.com/welcome/the-provincetown-bookshop/, ptownbookshop@gmail.com). Since the story is set in Provincetown, in the summer of 1976, I am tickled to be able to offer the book for sale there, and to sign books at the Bookshop on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend (September 3). Yay!

Just in case you happen to be in P’town, too, do stop by and say hello. And please subscribe to Audacity Books for updates. Happy Pride!