Dear Reader,
It looks like the proofs for YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE are just one step away from just right. So next week I’ll be able to announce that advance reader copies are available! Meanwhile, I’m working away on YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE—THE COOKBOOK.
The food writer in me took a backseat during the novel-writing journey, but I couldn’t resist weaving some food and cooking into the fabric. So now I am in the process of gathering together a modest recipe collection that I hope will complement the novel.
It seems that every year I spring into productive mode just as everyone else is throwing the summer OFF switch. Come August I’ll be chomping at the bit. Alone. But no matter. If your idea of summer fun is lying on the beach and my idea of summer fun is writing a book, then so be it! And “Vive la difference!”
Speaking of which, with Bastille Day coming up this week, I can’t help but reflect on the enduring values of freedom, equality, and brotherhood. They are always in season.