Dear Reader,
It’s election day. Not in New York—we’ve already been there twice this fall—but in Alabama. Alabamians have a choice between two candidates to fill a vacant senate seat. They can choose between a reasonable adult White man and a racist, pedophilic, homophobic good-old-boy clown. Except I’m not laughing, because the clown has a good chance of victory.
So why am I taking an interest? Because this is the United States Senate we’re talking about. And it has enough problems as it is. To his credit—and this is the first time I’ve had a kind word for the man—Mitch McConnell said he would refuse to seat Moore if he were elected. I’ve been known to call McConnell the Antichrist, so praise doesn’t come easily to me lips.
But an article by Susan Ferrechio in this morning’s Washington Examiner states the case for the Senate’s powerlessness to do anything to remove a newly elected senator, no matter how reprehensible, based on thirty-year-old allegations. I’ve feared something like this all along, and now there is solid legal opinion to back up my fears.
So even though it’s mostly hot air, Mitch McConnell’s condemnation of Roy Moore on moral grounds deserves praise. And I’m willing to go on-the-record with a thank-you for saying the right thing. And after that, I’m just going to hold my breath a lot. And check the voter exit polls in Alabama from time to time. And pray that cool heads prevail. Because if they don’t, then Heaven help this country.