Dear Reader,
Even in the quiet days of summer there is always something heart-stirring going on. This week I traded emails with the charming woman in Vancouver who married Walter and me ten years ago July 15. I used to email her on the early anniversaries, but then got out of the habit. It was a treat to reconnect, and to learn how full and rich her life is. Including new love!
I couldn’t resist digging up our wedding photos, which are few and fuzzy. It’s amazing the advances in low-light photography in the last ten years. But at least we have a record. And most of all, we have the memories of a perfect day.
As I told Ann Moore, the marriage commissioner who did the deed, we will always have a soft spot in our hearts for Canada, because it was willing to marry us at a time when our own country would not. And Ann will always be the lovely face of Canada for us. So thanks again, Ann. And let’s drink to love!