Dear Reader,
Fourteen days and counting! It all goes so fast. LOVE AND THE EPIDEMIC is set to release on May 1, as scheduled. There’s always something, of course. In this case, as I told you last time, I felt the need of a few edits to the story. That went fast! And, as usual, the color printing of the cover proved to be a little challenging. In the red department, this time. I won’t say the model looked more like a lobster than a man, but close.
If you are interested, I can tell you I’ve learned that it has to do with color modes. On screen, we live in the RGB world (red-green-blue). All the millions of lovely colors on our monitors are achieved by variations in those three colors of light. And they are glorious. Print, however, is achieved with four inks in various saturations: CMYK(cyan-magenta-yellow-black). Don’t ask me how the rainbow can be reproduced from those four inks.
The truth is, not very well. That’s why print is never as vibrant as the screen. And while there are accepted, scientific methods of translating RGB to CMYX, the results can be—and often are—surprising. And that’s why we had to rethink the color balance in the file in order to get the right look on paper. It’s done now. And I think I prefer the look of the new file—below—on screen as well.
As always, I thank you for joining me on this journey.