Dear Reader,
For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m looking back on the old year with fondness. Sure, there was more than the usual lunacy coming out of Washington. And a lot of disturbing allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against trusted news-givers. And enough violence and intolerance to last for millennia. But there was also a wonderful sense of empowerment that came to many people, and a wave of possibility that seems to scent the very air like an ocean breeze.
And I’m feeling jubilant. This is intensely personal, of course. Had I not had a productive year, then I might give up the rose tint and focus on the gray. But there is more than enough evidence pointing in the direction of progress to cheer even those who are not cock-eyed optimists. And I can choose to be positive, just as I can choose courage over fear. In yesterday’s podcast, Joanna Penn talks of choosing our filters, which is a way of talking about world view.
I’m happy to remind myself that I have choices around mindset, just as surely as I can choose to celebrate life just as it is. And set goals, of course. That’s always the biggie for the new year. It’s not my forte, but I do want to set down a few promises that will ensure accountability. A year from today, I can look back and take inventory. And since I am putting it out in public, I’ll have to let you know how the year went. And if you will do the same, then we can compare!
Most of my goals for 2018 center on writing. And that means I will become rigorous about scheduling time. Last year, starting in January, I entered into my Google calendar a block of two hours—minimum—exclusively for writing every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. The careful calendar entries only lasted for about three-and-a-half months, but in that time period I completed the first draft of YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE. So I know it works.
This year I’m going back to the calendar, but it must be a minimum of four hours devoted solely to writing each of those alternate mornings. And that way I can complete Volume II—LOVE AND THE EPIDEMIC—by April 1. And then Volume III—AND LOVE ENDURES—by October 1. You read it here, Folks. These are my promises to self, and I have dignified them in print.The other goal area centers on business, which for me is now publishing, marketing, and money management. I’m a little clearer this year about what needs to be done, but I would still describe my understanding of all things business as a bit nebulous. So instead of laying out elaborate plans, I will instead resolve to open my ears and my heart to learning—and doing—whatever is necessary to create a viable business/career. And that’s a promise I can keep.I would love to hear your experience of this goals thing. And I’m delighted that you are joining me on my author journey. Let’s all resolve to make it a glorious 2018!