Dear Reader,
At this most romantic time of the year, help me solve the mystery. Or, as Cole Porter asked, “What is this thing called love?” In your own words—maybe 280 characters, like a tweet—define love. And share your definition with the blogosphere.*
Please enter no later than Friday, February 9, and I will announce my choices on Valentine’s Day (February 14). My favorite three entries (aptness of thought, originality, that stuff) will receive signed copies of YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE and be published in the Valentine’s Day blog post at
All entrants will receive ebook copies of YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE, and be entered in a drawing to receive a signed copy of Volume II when it is published this spring. And all entrants will be subscribed to and receive a link to a free download copy of You’re Sure To Fall In Love—THE COOKBOOK.
Thank you in advance for your interest, and your entries. And may the best lover win!
*To enter, please email you definition of love to me at Write Valentine in the Subject line. Place your entry in the Message box, and be sure to include your name and email! Or, if you prefer, use the Contact Us form at, at the bottom of the home page. Same drill. Either way, I’ll be sure to get it. Thank you!
The fine print: The usual contest rules apply: By entering, you certify that the words are your own. Your entry grants Audacity Books LLC the non-exclusive right to publish your original text—as submitted or edited (in case of typos, space requirements, etc.)—on the blog at and in any promo materials—on-line or in print—that go with this contest. Other than that, your words belong to you. My decisions, based on my own taste and the needs of Audacity Books, will be final.