Dear Reader,
The world lost a great crusader this week, Mathilde Krim. Dr. Krim was one of the most important warriors—arguably the most visible heterosexual—on the front lines of the battle against AIDS. She recognized the epidemic early on, and helped to found, in 1983, the organization that would become amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research. And she served as its founding chairwoman until she stepped down in 2005.
Dr. Krim was uniquely positioned as a brilliant biologist and cancer researcher, a wealthy socialite with strong ties to the film industry (husband Arthur Krim was an entertainment lawyer who served as chairman of three motion picture studios, and of Democratic Party fundraising), and a human-rights activist with a keen sense of justice and equality. She used her considerable talents and energy to spur scientific research and to lobby for fair treatment of victims.
Dr. Krim was equally determined on the science and social sides. She did much to combat fear and prejudice against homosexuals, who then as now were disproportionately victimized by the epidemic in the US. She even took on religious leaders who preached hate. And she could raise money better than most. She’s the one who teamed up with Elizabeth Taylor and other stars in the early years of fund-raising efforts.
Do yourself a favor, and watch the coverage of Dr. Krim’s career at Gay USA (, or after this episode (1/17/18) is archived in RECENT PROGRAMS you can also watch it on YouTube). While I’ve known about Dr. Krim for decades, I had overlooked the great breadth of her activism, expertise, and humanity. Ann and Andy share some priceless video records that should not be missed.
We’ll not see Dr. Krim’s like again, but the world had the benefit of her extraordinary skill-set at precisely the moment in time that it was most needed. And that particular brand of synchronicity—which we see repeated so often if we are looking for it—is reason enough for optimism in a world that doesn’t always freely reveal the kind side of its face.