Dear Reader,
I am often reminded of the importance of gratitude in my life. And the reminders are not always gentle. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed by the tasks before me, I remember a story a friend told me years ago about a time when he was feeling quite low.
He unburdened himself to a tough old bird who knew her stuff inside-and-out. She listened patiently to his tale of woe, all the things that were and were not happening in his life, and then she came back at him with, “I don’t think you’re grateful!”
She snapped him right out of his self-pity, and the memory of that exchange always does the same for me. Not that I tend to wallow. But negativity can creep into any life, and gratitude is the best defense against it. I don’t keep a list. I probably should. But I don’t keep a list of grievances, either, which is probably more important.
Today, along with my myriad other blessings, I am feeling grateful for this pulpit. Bully, it is not, but the fact that I can put my thoughts out into the world whenever I choose is indeed empowering. And I am most grateful for my readers.