Dear Reader,
Summer is truly here—not just the calendar version of it—so I am trying to keep cool as I plan my publishing strategies for the season. YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE is in proofs, almost there. The text is right and the color printing for the cover is almost right. The journey has been very exciting.
As I was doing some cardio one morning this week, I felt a wave of joy flow over me. Isn’t it amazing what a little extra oxygen to the brain can do? In this case I began to experience feelings of pride that I actually finished the book, and tenderness toward the characters that I labored over, laughed with, cried with, and grew with—I hope.
If readers experience half the involvement that I felt in the writing, then my work will have been worth every lost hour of sleep, every moment of frustration, and every dark period of despair. Please subscribe so we can tell you when the first advance reader copies will be available. YOU’RE SURE TO FALL IN LOVE is raring to go. Happy Fourth of July to all!